Resource Guide of UCI School of Education Research Striving Toward Equity in Education for Black Students
February 1, 2023
This Black History Month, the UCI School of Education has compiled a resource list of our faculty’s research that strive to improve education equity, access and opportunities for African American students and communities. In its core values, the School of Education is committed to elevating the student experience through pedagogy, research and mentorship, as well as advocating for social and racial justice in education.
Frances Contreras, Dean and Professor
Gustavo Carlo, Professor
Shayan Doroudi, Assistant Professor
This Black History Month, the UCI School of Education has compiled a resource list of our faculty’s research that strive to improve education equity, access and opportunities for African American students and communities. In its core values, the School of Education is committed to elevating the student experience through pedagogy, research and mentorship, as well as advocating for social and racial justice in education.
Frances Contreras, Dean and Professor
- High Achieving African American Students and the College Choice Process: Applying Critical Race Theory by Thandeka K. Chapman, Frances Contreras, Eddie Comeaux, Eligio Martinez Jr, Gloria M. Rodriguez. Routledge.
- Am I My Brother’s Keeper? Educational Opportunities and Outcomes for Black and Brown Boys. Harvard Education Press.
Gustavo Carlo, Professor
- Wang, W., Tracy L. Spinrad, T. L., Laible, D. J., Janssen, J., Xiao, S. X., Xu, J., Berger, R. H., Eisenberg, N., Carlo, G., Gal-Szabo, D. E., Fraser, A., Lopez, J., Xu, X. (in press). Parents’ color-blind racial ideology and implicit racial attitudes predict children’s race-based sympathy. Journal of Family Psychology.
- Xiao, S. X., Spinrad, T. L., Xu, J., Gal-Szabo, D. E., Eisenberg, N., Laible, D. J., Berger, R. H., Carlo, G., & Xu, X. (in press). Parents’ valuing diversity and White children’s prosociality toward White and Black peers. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology.
- Spinrad, T. L., Gal-Szabo, D. E., Eisenberg, N., Xiao, S. X., Xu, J., Berger, R. H., Pierotti, S. L., Laible, D J., Carlo, G., Janssen, J., Fraser, A., Xu, X., Wang, W., & Lopez, J. (in press). White children’s empathy-related responding and prosocial behavior toward White and Black children. Child Development.
- Carlo, G., Murry, V. M., Davis, A. N., Gonzalez, C. M., & Debreaux, M. L. (2022). Culture-related adaptive mechanisms to race-related trauma among African American and U.S. Latinx youth. Adversity and Resilience Science, 3, 247-259.
- Davis, A. N., Carlo, G., Bennett, D., Gallarza, W., & Saiz, D. (2022). Understanding racial attitudes among students and teachers in an ethnically/racially diverse high school. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 32, 417-431.
- Carlo, G., Davis, A. N., & Taylor, L. K. (2022). Reducing youth ingroup favoritism to address social injustice. Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 9, 90-95.
- Laible, D., Karahuta, E., Van Norden, C., Stout, W., Cruz, A., Neely, P., & Carlo, G. (2021). Toddlers' helping, sharing, and empathic distress: Does the race of the target matter? Developmental Psychology, 57, 1452-1462.
- Booker, J. A., Ispa, J. M., Maiya, S., Roos, J., & Carlo, G. (2021). African American mothers talk to their preadolescents about honesty and lying. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 27, 521-530.
- Wang, W., Spinrad, T., Gal-Szabo, D. E., Laible, D., Xiao, S. X., Xu, J., Berger, R., Eisenberg, N., & Carlo, G. (2020). The relations of White parents’ implicit racial attitudes to their children’s differential empathic concern towards White and Black victims. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology.
- Maiya, S., Carlo, G., Landor, A., & Memmott-Elison, M. K. (2021). Ethnic-racial identity and religious identity as mediators of relations between ethnic-racial socialization and prosocial behaviors in Black young adults. Journal of Black Psychology, 47, 31-50.
- Interrogating Recruitment Practices of Black Candidates into Teacher Preparation with Beth van Es, Professor and co-PI
(Spencer Foundation grant extended until December 2023)
- Dee, T. S., & Penner, E. K. (2021). My Brother's Keeper? The Impact of Targeted Educational Supports. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 40(4), 1171-1196.
- van Es, E. A., Hand, V., Agarwal, P., & Sandoval, C.* (2022). Multidimensional noticing for equity: Theorizing mathematics teachers’ systems of noticing to advance equity and access. Journal of Research in Mathematics Education.
- Mendoza, E., Hand, V., van Es, E. A., Hoos, S., & Frierson, M. (2021). ‘The ability to lay yourself bare’: Centering rupture, inherited conversations, and vulnerability in professional development. Professional Development in Education. 47:2-3, 243-256, DOI: 10.1080/19415257.2021.1891955
- Renick, J.*, Abad, M. N.*, van Es, E. A., & Mendoza, E. (2021). It’s all connected: Critical bifocality and the liminal practice of youth work. Child & Youth Services.
- Sandoval, C.*, van Es, E. A., Campbell, S., & Santagata, R. (2020). Creating Coherence in Teacher Preparation: Examining Teacher Candidates’ Conceptualizations and Practices for Equity. Teacher Education Quarterly, 47(4), 8-32.
Shayan Doroudi, Assistant Professor
- The Forgotten Black Innovators of Ed Tech blog series
- “Why schools going back to 'normal' won't work for students of color” – The Conversation (November 2022)
- “Achievement Gaps During Pandemic” — Air Talk with Larry Mantle for NPR Los Angeles (May 6th, 2022)
- “Am I My Brother’s Keeper?” — Trending in Education podcast (July 22, 2021)
- “Our Brother’s Keeper, Our Sister’s Protector” — Sunday Civics (July 4, 2021)