Jenel Lao, Ed.D.
Director of Online Programs
School of Education
Email: [email protected]
phone: (949) 824-6896
office: 3219 Education
Director of Online Programs
School of Education
Email: [email protected]
phone: (949) 824-6896
office: 3219 Education
Previous Positions
Vandell, D., & Lao, J. (in press). Building and Retaining a high-quality professional staff for extended education. International Journal on Extended Education.
Lao, J. (1992). Breaking the cycle of illiteracy in America: Moving beyond the status quo. Future Choices, 3(3), pp. 7-29. Washington, D.C.: Youth Policy Institute.
College Access and Preparation Forum, June 2015
Preparing Undergraduates for Quality K-12 Support, Irvine, CA
Data-Driven Sustainability Planning, February 2015
Summer Matters Campaign. Los Angeles, CA
Aligning Common Core in Extended Learning Programs, December 2013
California Educational Research Association, Monterey, CA
Using Research to Propel a Results-Oriented Afterschool Culture: THINKing Together at California’s Largest Afterschool Provider, November 2012
California Educational Research Association, Monterey, CA
Using Data at THINK Together: Efforts to Outcomes, September 2011
Region 11 ASES Evaluation Work Group, Los Angeles County Office of Education
Applying Lessons Learned from Research and Evaluation from California’s Largest Afterschool Provider, December 2011
California Educational Research Association, Anaheim, CA
Building a Strategic Academic Alignment Framework for Afterschool: Defining Promising Practices (Co-presenter), November 2010
California Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA
- Director of Online Programs
- Responsible for launching an online presence for the School of Education (SOE), with particular emphasis on the Certificate in Afterschool and Summer Education (CASE) program.
- Developed and taught the first online course of the SoE (Summer 2015)
- Manage and Support the UC Links Partnership
- Instructor, Certificate in Afterschool and Summer Education (CASE website: http://ucirvinecase.weebly.com)
- Educational Research and Evaluation (EDUC 157) - covers qualitative and quantitative research methods relevant for the evaluation of educational programs. Students have the opportunity to plan, execute, and write up a small evaluation project.
- Foundations of Out-of-School Learning (EDUC 160) - provides an overview of child and adolescent learning through participation in out-of-school activities and settings, recognizes the importance of matching out-of-school experiences with the interests, needs, and development level of students. Observation-based fieldwork is included. Course is offered online.
- Advanced Fieldwork in After School (EDUC 191) - Capstone fieldwork experience for students seeking to earn the School of Education-sponsored Certificate in After-School Education. Students are required to complete 50 or more hours of fieldwork and related assignments at an instructor-approved after-school program.
- Ed.D., Educational Administration, UCI/UCLA Joint Doctoral Program (2001)
- M.Ed., Teacher Education, UCLA (1993)
- B.A., Political Science, University of California, Davis (1992)
Previous Positions
- Executive Director of Research & Evaluation, THINK Together (2006-2014)
- Afterschool Program Specialist, Santa Ana Unified School District (1999-2005)
- 7th Grade World History Teacher, Saddleback Unified School District (1998-1999)
- 9th Grade World History Teacher & Mentor, Fullerton Joint Union High School District (1993-1998)
Vandell, D., & Lao, J. (in press). Building and Retaining a high-quality professional staff for extended education. International Journal on Extended Education.
Lao, J. (1992). Breaking the cycle of illiteracy in America: Moving beyond the status quo. Future Choices, 3(3), pp. 7-29. Washington, D.C.: Youth Policy Institute.
College Access and Preparation Forum, June 2015
Preparing Undergraduates for Quality K-12 Support, Irvine, CA
Data-Driven Sustainability Planning, February 2015
Summer Matters Campaign. Los Angeles, CA
Aligning Common Core in Extended Learning Programs, December 2013
California Educational Research Association, Monterey, CA
Using Research to Propel a Results-Oriented Afterschool Culture: THINKing Together at California’s Largest Afterschool Provider, November 2012
California Educational Research Association, Monterey, CA
Using Data at THINK Together: Efforts to Outcomes, September 2011
Region 11 ASES Evaluation Work Group, Los Angeles County Office of Education
Applying Lessons Learned from Research and Evaluation from California’s Largest Afterschool Provider, December 2011
California Educational Research Association, Anaheim, CA
Building a Strategic Academic Alignment Framework for Afterschool: Defining Promising Practices (Co-presenter), November 2010
California Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA