Mark Warschauer
Professor of Education and Informatics
email: [email protected]
phone: (949) 824-2526
office: 3225 Education
Professor of Education and Informatics
email: [email protected]
phone: (949) 824-2526
office: 3225 Education
Telecollaboration in Foreign Language Learning: Proceedings of the Hawai'i Symposium Edited by Mark Warschauer Ordering information [Image] Table of Contents Section I: General Concepts 1. Foreign Languages and Modern Technology: Harmony or Hell? Seppo Tella 2. The Application of Computer Networking in Foreign Language Education: Focusing on Principles of Second Language Acquisition Orlando Kelm 3. Motivational Aspects of Using Computers for Writing and Communication Mark Warschauer Section II: The Networked Clasroom 4. Calling Back CALL: Technology in the Service of Foreign Language Learning Based on Creativity, Contingency, and Goal-Oriented Activity John Barson & Robert Debski 5. Creating Language Learning Materials for the World Wide Web Robert Godwin-Jones 6. A Hypermedia System for CALL in a Networked Environment Jan L. Plass & Dorothy Chun Section III: E-Mail Exchanges 7. Computer-Mediated Communication: Using E-Mail Exchanges to Explore Personal Histories in Two Cultures Richard Kern 8. Language Learning in Tandem Using the Internet Helmut Brammerts 9. The Keypal Connection Lewis C. Johnson Section IV: MOOving Forward 10. MOOving to a New Frontier in Language Teaching Barbara Sanchez 11. What does "SchMOOze" Mean?: Non-Native Speaker Interactions on the Internet David Pinto Section V: Breaking Language Barriers 12. Making the Medium the Message: Using an Electronic Bulletin Board System for Promoting and Revitalizing Maori Richard Benton 13. Internet with an Accent: Toward a Standardization of Diacritics Mark D. Larsen 14. Making Electronic Communication Possible in Japanese on the Internet Atsushi Fukada & Kazumi Hatasa [Image] Telecollaboration in Foreign Language Learning can be ordered from University of Hawai'i Press: * Telephone (800) 956-2840, (808) 956-8255 * Fax (800) 650-7811, (808) 988-6052 Or send $20 (check or money order in U.S. dollars, purchase order, master card or visa) for each book plus a shipping charge ($3 for first book and $1 for additional books inside the U.S., $4 for first book and $2 for additional books outside the U.S.) to: University of Hawai'i Press Order Department 2840 Kolowalu St. Honolulu, HI 96822 U.S.A. [Image] Back to top Back to Mark Warschauer's recent publications Back to Mark Warschauer's home page