Annual Job Fair for UCI Teacher Candidates
April 28, 2023

Representatives from recruiting districts and schools came to UCI on Monday, March 27, to meet pre-service teachers in the School of Education’s credential programs. The event was attended by 170 Master of Arts in Teaching Candidates and CalTeach Science and Math graduating seniors. Districts represented at the job fair included Los Angeles USD, Capistrano USD, Santa Ana USD, Newport Mesa USD, Placentia Yorba Linda USD, Irvine USD, Saddleback Valley USD and Coachella Valley USD. In addition, representatives from Orange County Educational Arts Academy, Watts Learning Center and KIPP SoCal Public Schools were present to share information about their schools.
During the job fair, candidates were able to talk one-on-one with the various recruiters about employment opportunities in their districts. At the end of the afternoon, one of the recruiters commented, "Your candidates are well prepared and ask such great questions," and another shared, "We’re definitely going to come back next year. This was a great opportunity to talk to future teachers."
The UCI MAT and CalTeach programs prepare their teacher candidates for the job-seeking process during the winter quarter each year. Program coordinators provide mock interview opportunities, calling on alumni, program supervisors and local administrators to take on the role of recruiters. In addition, program coordinators organize administrator panels to advise candidates on how best to represent their knowledge and experience in application materials, interviews, and demonstration lessons. Graduates of UCI's 14-month MAT/Credential program and UCI's 4-year CalTeach Science and Math program enjoy high rates of employment at their preferred schools immediately following completion of their credential, with many graduates electing to pursue their teaching careers in high need schools.
The MAT/CalTeach Job Fair was supported by SchoolsFirst Federal Credit Union.
During the job fair, candidates were able to talk one-on-one with the various recruiters about employment opportunities in their districts. At the end of the afternoon, one of the recruiters commented, "Your candidates are well prepared and ask such great questions," and another shared, "We’re definitely going to come back next year. This was a great opportunity to talk to future teachers."
The UCI MAT and CalTeach programs prepare their teacher candidates for the job-seeking process during the winter quarter each year. Program coordinators provide mock interview opportunities, calling on alumni, program supervisors and local administrators to take on the role of recruiters. In addition, program coordinators organize administrator panels to advise candidates on how best to represent their knowledge and experience in application materials, interviews, and demonstration lessons. Graduates of UCI's 14-month MAT/Credential program and UCI's 4-year CalTeach Science and Math program enjoy high rates of employment at their preferred schools immediately following completion of their credential, with many graduates electing to pursue their teaching careers in high need schools.
The MAT/CalTeach Job Fair was supported by SchoolsFirst Federal Credit Union.