MAT: Secondary Education Course List
summer one (session 1)
245 (2) Learning Inside and Outside of School 361 (4) The Adolescent Learner 230 (4) The History and Culture of Schooling in the United States Total (10 quarter units) summer One (session 2)
243 (2) The Policy Environment of Teaching 202 (4) Outcomes of Schooling/Student Assessment 358 (2) Media and Information Literacy in the Secondary Classroom Total (8 quarter units) fall quarter
302 (2) Directed Secondary Field Experiences 305 (4) Learning to Learn from Teaching 336-341 (4) Methods of Teaching (English, World Languages, Mathematics, Sciences, Social Science or Visual Arts) in the Secondary School 346 (4) Reading and Writing in the Middle and High School Classroom 347 (4) Culture, Diversity and Educational Equity 348A (2) Educational Equity and the Exceptional Learner Total (20 quarter units) winter quarter
307 (8) Student Teaching in Intermediate/High School 342A (2) Applied Instructional Strategies in Secondary Schools (English, World Languages, Mathematics, Sciences, Social Science or Visual Arts) 349 (4) Theories and Methods of English Language Development 246 (4) Teaching Investigation: Identifying Dilemmas of Practice Total (18 quarter units) spring quarter
307 (12) Student Teaching in Intermediate/High School 342B (2) Applied Instructional Strategies in Secondary Schools (English, World Languages, Mathematics, Sciences, Social Science or Visual Arts) 348B (2) Educational Equity and the Exceptional Learner 247 (4) Teaching Investigation: Exploring Dilemmas of Practice Total (20 quarter units) summer two
248 (4) Understanding Teacher Agency 206 (4) Design of Learning Environments for Teachers of Secondary School Subjects Total (8 quarter units) MAT Plus Credential Program Total (84 quarter units)