Postdoc receives Social Impact Fellowship
Alison Munzer's work in education and with CoATTEND was recognized
January 24, 2023
The Psi Upsilon Foundation awarded Postdoctoral Scholar Alison Munzer the Social Impact Fellowship for her work with Community and Teacher Teams Investigate Equitable Noticing & Dispositions (CoATTEND), a cross-collaborative research project that brings together secondary mathematics teachers, community youth leaders, and university researchers to co-create a framework for noticing equity and a professional learning model for expanding teachers’ noticing to rehumanize mathematics teaching and learning. Munzer plans to use the fellowship to participate in academic research conferences to share CoATTEND's work with colleagues, scholars, researchers, and practitioners. The conferences will provide Munzer feedback on her research, which she uses to prepare and strengthen academic publications. |
"I am keenly interested in conducting research that develops more effective teaching practices for our most marginalized students and supports teachers in our most under-resourced schools," Munzer said.
The fellowship will also help support a writers' retreat with Munzer's advisor, Elizabeth van Es, allowing dedicated time to writing additional academic pieces such as peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters based on their research.
The fellowship will also help support a writers' retreat with Munzer's advisor, Elizabeth van Es, allowing dedicated time to writing additional academic pieces such as peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters based on their research.