February - March 2021
Associate Professor June Ahn, third-year doctoral student Ha Nguyen: "From visible to understandable: Designing for teacher agency in education data visualizations" in Contemporary Issues in Technology & Teacher Education
Postdoctoral Fellow Jacky Au, UCI alumnus Austin Moon, Associate Professor Susanne Jaeggi: “Post‐training stimulation of the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex impairs working memory training performance” in Journal of Neuroscience Research
Professor Gustavo Carlo (pictured right): “Ethnic-Racial and Religious Identity as Mediators of Relations Between Ethnic-Racial Socialization and Prosocial Behaviors Among Black Young Adults” in Journal of Black Psychology
Professor Gustavo Carlo: "Latent profiles of multidimensional prosocial behaviors: An examination of prosocial personality groups" in The Journal of Social Psychology
Professor Gustavo Carlo: “The links between religiousness and prosocial behaviors in early adulthood: The mediating roles of media exposure preferences and empathic tendencies” in Journal of Moral Education
Professor Gustavo Carlo: “A parallel process model of integration and multidimensional prosocial behaviors in recent immigrant U.S. Latinx adolescents in Psychological Reports
Third-year doctoral student Minkyung Cho, Professor Young-Suk Kim, Professor Emerita Carol Booth Olson: "Does Perspective Taking Matter for Writing? Perspective Taking in Source-based Analytical Writing of Secondary Students” in Reading and Writing
Distinguished Professor Greg Duncan: "Evaluating Contradictory Experimental and Non-Experimental Estimates of Neighborhood Effects on Economic Outcomes for Adults" in SSRN Electronic Journal
Postdoctoral Scholar Zehra Gülseven, doctoral candidate Yangyang Liu, Postdoctoral Scholar Mark Vincent B. Yu, Professor Sandra Simpkins, Chancellor’s Professor Emerita Deborah Vandell: “The development of cooperation and self-control in middle childhood: Associations with earlier maternal and paternal parenting” in Developmental Psychology
Postdoctoral Scholar Zehra Gülseven, Professor Gustavo Carlo: "The Roles of Perspective Taking, Empathic Concern, and Prosocial Moral Reasoning in the Self-Reported Prosocial Behaviors of Filipino and Turkish Young Adults" in Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology
Alumna Janice Hansen (Ph.D. ‘11), Associate Professor Lindsey Richland: “Teaching and Learning Science through Multiple Representations: Intuitions and Executive Functions” in Life Sciences Education
Professor Susanne Jaeggi (pictured right): “Age differences in functional network reconfiguration with working memory training” in Human Brain Mapping
Assistant Professor Jade Marcus Jenkins, doctoral candidate Jennifer K. Duer: " Who participates in quality rating and improvement systems?" in Early Childhood Research Quarterly
UCI Science Project Director Kelley Le: "Reimagining Science Education with Climate Change" in Ten Strands
Alumna/Postdoctoral Fellow Veronica Ahumada-Newhart (Ph.D. ’18): “An assets-based design approach to promote digital equity for Latino youth and their communities” in ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work Workshop on Assets-based Design, (CSCW 2020)
Alumna/Postdoctoral Fellow Veronica Ahumada-Newhart (Ph.D. ’18): “Telerobots for Informal Learning in Schools" in Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction Workshop on Robots 4 Learning (R4L)
Third-year doctoral student Ha Nguyen, Professor Mark Warschauer: "'We're looking good': Social exchange and regulation temporality in collaborative design” in Learning and Instruction
Alumna Wendy Ochoa (Ph.D. ’19): "A Comprehensive Professional Development Approach for Supporting Science, Technology, and Engineering Curriculum in Preschool: Connecting Contexts for Dual Language Learners" (chapter) in Supporting Children’s Well-Being During Early Childhood Transition to School
Alumna Wendy Ochoa (Ph.D. ’19): "Family Engagement and Latine Children’s Early Narrative Skills" in Early Childhood Education Journal
Fourth-year doctoral student Gabe Avakian Orona: “Broken Promises? Examining the Effectiveness of Promising Practices in STEM Lectures by Student Subgroups” in Innovative Higher Education
Professor Elizabeth Peña: "Contribution of Nonverbal Cognitive Skills on Bilingual Children’s Grammatical Performance: Influence of Exposure, Task Type, and Language of Assessment" in Languages
Professor Elizabeth Peña: "Establishing Diagnostic Skills in Novice Bilingual Clinicians: A Scaffolded Approach” in Teaching and Learning in Communications Sciences & Disorders
Professor Stephanie Reich: “Determinants of fathers’ and mothers’ involvement in a parenting intervention” in Psychology of Men & Masculinities
Assistant Professor Fernando Rodriguez, Postdoctoral Research Ninger Zhou, Professor Mark Warschauer: "Student Spacing and Self‑Testing Strategies and their Associations with Learning in an Upper Division Microbiology Course" in SN Social Sciences
Postdoctoral Scholar Charlott Rubach, Associate Project Scientist Anna-Lena Dicke, Professor Sandra Simpkins, Distinguished Professor Jacquelynne Eccles: “Addressing adolescents’ depressive symptoms and risky behavior: The role of perceived parents’ and teachers’ social support” in Journal of Organizational Psychology
Postdoctoral Scholar Charlott Rubach: “Addressing 21st-century digital skills in schools – Development and validation of an instrument to measure teachers' basic ICT competence beliefs” in Computers in Human Behavior
Postdoctoral Scholar Charlott Rubach: Emotions in school and teaching: Conditions and effects of emotions in teachers and learners, Verlag Barbara Budrich
Postdoctoral Scholar Charlott Rubach: “Students' joy and fear in K-12: What connections exist with individualization and self-determination in math?” (chapter) in Emotions in school and teaching: Conditions and effects of emotions in teachers and learners
Professor Rossella Santagata (pictured right), doctoral candidate Jiwon Lee: "Mathematical knowledge for teaching and the mathematical quality of instruction: A study of novice elementary school teachers" in Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education
Professor Rossella Santagata, third-year doctoral student Ha Nguyen: “Mathematics teacher learning to notice: A systematic review of studies of video-based programs” in ZDM - Mathematics Education
Doctoral student R. Mishael Sedas, Associate Professor Kylie Peppler: “The trouble with STEAM and why we use it anyway” in Science Education
Postdoctoral Scholar Christine R. Starr, Professor Sandra Simpkins: “High school students’ math and science gender stereotypes: Relations with their STEM outcomes and socializers’ stereotypes” in Social Psychology of Education
Alumnus/Postdoctoral Research Fellow Nestor Tulagan (Ph.D. '20), Distinguished Professor Jacquelynne Eccles: "African-American Mothers’ Socialization Strategies to Address Adolescent-related Academic Expectations and Risk Concerns" in Journal of Child and Family Studies
Alumnus Osman Umarji (Ph.D. ’19), Project Scientist Anna-Lena Dicke, Project Scientist Nayssan Safavian, Distinguished Professor Jacquelynne S. Eccles: "Teachers Caring for Students and Students Caring for Math: The Development of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Adolescents' Math Motivation" in Journal of School Psychology
Assistant Professor Adriana Villavicencio: "'You can’t close your door here:’ Leveraging teacher collaboration to improve outcomes for immigrant English Learners” in Teaching and Teacher Education
Doctoral candidate Sirui Wan, Associate Professor Drew Bailey: “Is Intervention Fadeout a Scaling Artefact?” in Economics of Education Review
Third-year doctoral student Alexandria Weaver, Professor Susanne Jaeggi: "Activity Engagement and Cognitive Performance Amongst Older Adults" in Frontiers in Psychology
Doctoral candidate Taffeta Wood, Postdoctoral Scholar Amy Pratt, Professor Elizabeth Peña: "Contribution of Nonverbal Cognitive Skills on Bilingual Children’s Grammatical Performance: Influence of Exposure, Task Type, and Language of Assessment" in Languages
Postdoctoral Researcher Ying Xu, Associate Professor Penelope Collins, UCI Alumna Hyelim Lee, Professor Mark Warschauer: “Same benefits, different communication patterns: Comparing children's reading with a conversational agent vs. a human partner” in Computers & Education