Amy Pratt
Postdoctoral Scholar
School of Education
Email: [email protected]
phone: (949) 824-5118
office: Social Science Tower 409
Postdoctoral Scholar
School of Education
Email: [email protected]
phone: (949) 824-5118
office: Social Science Tower 409
Amy Pratt is a post-doctoral scholar from the University of Texas, Austin, working as a visiting specialist on the Language Evaluation and Development in Education Research (LEADER) project in the HABLA Lab with Dr. Elizabeth Peña.
Amy’s research investigates the typical and atypical language development of children who speak Spanish. She is particularly interested in how young children’s language ability serves as a foundation for later literacy development, and how children’s language and literacy growth can be supported via evidence-based, culturally appropriate intervention.
Amy received her Ph.D. in Speech and Hearing Science from The Ohio State University in 2017. Her dissertation, titled “The oral language and emergent literacy development of Spanish-speaking children with and without Specific Language Impairment,” was awarded a Presidential Dissertation Fellowship. She has a master’s degree in Foreign and Second Language Education and a bachelor’s degree in Hispanic Linguistics.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Pratt, A. S., Justice, L. M., Perez, A., & Durán, L. (2015). Impacts of parent-implemented literacy intervention for Spanish-speaking children with language impairment. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 50(5), 569-579.
Language and Reading Research Consortium, Pratt, A. S., Logan, J. R., & Gray, S. (2014). Improving language-focused comprehension instruction in primary grade classrooms: Impacts of the Let’s Know! experimental curriculum. Educational Psychology Review, Educational Psychology Review, 26(3), 357 – 377.
Justice, L. M., Schmitt, M. B., Murphy, K. A., Pratt, A. S., & Biancone, T. (2014). The ‘robustness’ of vocabulary intervention in the public schools: targets and techniques employed in speech–language therapy. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 49(3), 288-303.
Dynia, J. M., Pentimonti, J. M., Pratt, A. S., & Justice, L. M. (2012). Facilitating family literacy activities in Mexico. Perspectives on Global Issues in Communication Sciences and Related Disorders, 2(2), 73-81.
Grinstead, J., Lintz, P., Pratt, A. S., De La Mora, J., Vega-Mendoza, M., & Cantu, M. (2016). Overt subjects and interphase deficit in Spanish SLI: A discriminant function analysis. Proceedings of the Boston University Conference on Language Development (in press). Boston University, Boston: Cascadilla Press.
Pratt, A. S., & Grinstead, J. (2008). Receptive measures of the optional infinitive stage in child Spanish. In J. B. d. Garavito & E. Valenzuela (Eds.), Proceedings of the Hispanic Linguistic Symposium (pp. 120-133). University of Western Ontario, London: Cascadilla Press.
Book Chapters
Roseberry-McKibbon, C., & Pratt, A. S. (2013). Communication disorders in a multicultural world. In L.M. Justice (3 Ed.), Foundations of Communication Sciences and Disorders. Pearson: New York.
Grinstead, J., De la Mora, J., Pratt, A. S., & Flores, B. (2009). Temporal interface delay and root nonfinite verbs in Spanish-speaking children with specific language impairment: Evidence from the grammaticality choice task. In J. Grinstead (Ed.), Hispanic Child languages: Typical and Impaired Development (pp. 239-264). John Benjamins: Amsterdam.
Conference Presentations
Murphy, K., & Pratt, A. S. (2015). Integrating vocabulary & literacy: Beyond the tip of the triangle. American Speech and Hearing Association. Denver, CO.
Schalla, L., Duran, L., & Pratt, A. S. (2015). Exploring the home literacy environment of young Mexican children. American Speech and Hearing Association. Denver, CO.
Pratt, A. S., & Language and Reading Research Consortium (2014). Assessing teacher fidelity to curriculum with an interval coding scheme: Issues in measurement and analysis. Society for the Scientific Study of Reading. Santa Fe, NM.
Pratt, A. S., Justice, L. M., Perez, A., & Duran, L. (2013). Home book-reading intervention for Spanish-speaking children with language impairment in Mexico. American Speech and Hearing Association. Chicago, IL.
Grinstead, J., & Pratt, A. S. (2007). Multiple measures of finiteness in Spanish-speaking children with SLI. Paper presented at the Western Conference on Linguistics - WECOL
Amy Pratt is a post-doctoral scholar from the University of Texas, Austin, working as a visiting specialist on the Language Evaluation and Development in Education Research (LEADER) project in the HABLA Lab with Dr. Elizabeth Peña.
Amy’s research investigates the typical and atypical language development of children who speak Spanish. She is particularly interested in how young children’s language ability serves as a foundation for later literacy development, and how children’s language and literacy growth can be supported via evidence-based, culturally appropriate intervention.
Amy received her Ph.D. in Speech and Hearing Science from The Ohio State University in 2017. Her dissertation, titled “The oral language and emergent literacy development of Spanish-speaking children with and without Specific Language Impairment,” was awarded a Presidential Dissertation Fellowship. She has a master’s degree in Foreign and Second Language Education and a bachelor’s degree in Hispanic Linguistics.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Pratt, A. S., Justice, L. M., Perez, A., & Durán, L. (2015). Impacts of parent-implemented literacy intervention for Spanish-speaking children with language impairment. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 50(5), 569-579.
Language and Reading Research Consortium, Pratt, A. S., Logan, J. R., & Gray, S. (2014). Improving language-focused comprehension instruction in primary grade classrooms: Impacts of the Let’s Know! experimental curriculum. Educational Psychology Review, Educational Psychology Review, 26(3), 357 – 377.
Justice, L. M., Schmitt, M. B., Murphy, K. A., Pratt, A. S., & Biancone, T. (2014). The ‘robustness’ of vocabulary intervention in the public schools: targets and techniques employed in speech–language therapy. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 49(3), 288-303.
Dynia, J. M., Pentimonti, J. M., Pratt, A. S., & Justice, L. M. (2012). Facilitating family literacy activities in Mexico. Perspectives on Global Issues in Communication Sciences and Related Disorders, 2(2), 73-81.
Grinstead, J., Lintz, P., Pratt, A. S., De La Mora, J., Vega-Mendoza, M., & Cantu, M. (2016). Overt subjects and interphase deficit in Spanish SLI: A discriminant function analysis. Proceedings of the Boston University Conference on Language Development (in press). Boston University, Boston: Cascadilla Press.
Pratt, A. S., & Grinstead, J. (2008). Receptive measures of the optional infinitive stage in child Spanish. In J. B. d. Garavito & E. Valenzuela (Eds.), Proceedings of the Hispanic Linguistic Symposium (pp. 120-133). University of Western Ontario, London: Cascadilla Press.
Book Chapters
Roseberry-McKibbon, C., & Pratt, A. S. (2013). Communication disorders in a multicultural world. In L.M. Justice (3 Ed.), Foundations of Communication Sciences and Disorders. Pearson: New York.
Grinstead, J., De la Mora, J., Pratt, A. S., & Flores, B. (2009). Temporal interface delay and root nonfinite verbs in Spanish-speaking children with specific language impairment: Evidence from the grammaticality choice task. In J. Grinstead (Ed.), Hispanic Child languages: Typical and Impaired Development (pp. 239-264). John Benjamins: Amsterdam.
Conference Presentations
Murphy, K., & Pratt, A. S. (2015). Integrating vocabulary & literacy: Beyond the tip of the triangle. American Speech and Hearing Association. Denver, CO.
Schalla, L., Duran, L., & Pratt, A. S. (2015). Exploring the home literacy environment of young Mexican children. American Speech and Hearing Association. Denver, CO.
Pratt, A. S., & Language and Reading Research Consortium (2014). Assessing teacher fidelity to curriculum with an interval coding scheme: Issues in measurement and analysis. Society for the Scientific Study of Reading. Santa Fe, NM.
Pratt, A. S., Justice, L. M., Perez, A., & Duran, L. (2013). Home book-reading intervention for Spanish-speaking children with language impairment in Mexico. American Speech and Hearing Association. Chicago, IL.
Grinstead, J., & Pratt, A. S. (2007). Multiple measures of finiteness in Spanish-speaking children with SLI. Paper presented at the Western Conference on Linguistics - WECOL