Soobin Yim, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Researcher
School of Education
Email: [email protected]
phone: (949) 824-5118
office: 3200 Education
Postdoctoral Researcher
School of Education
Email: [email protected]
phone: (949) 824-5118
office: 3200 Education
Soobin Yim is a postdoctoral researcher, working with Professor Young-Suk Kim in the Language, Literacy, and Learning (L3) lab. She is also the project manager for the SRSD+ (Self-Regulated Strategy Development +) writing intervention program funded by the IES. She received her Ph.D. in language, literacy, and technology from the University of California, Irvine, under the guidance of Dr. Mark Warschauer, and her Master’s degree in language and literacy from the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Her undergraduate and Master’s in teaching credential (secondary English education) degrees are from Ewha Womans University in South Korea.
Soobin's research centers on digital literacy development, K-12 writing instruction and intervention, CALL (Computer-Assisted Language Learning), content area literacy, and English for Specific Purposes (ESP). Prior to her Ph.D. career, she worked as an English teaching curriculum/materials developer, and language test researcher at the Seoul National University in South Korea. Soobin is a recipient of the TIRF Doctoral Dissertation Award, the Phi Beta Kappa International Scholarship, the Korean Honor Scholarship, and the Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship.
Yim, S., Zheng, B., & Warschauer, M. (in press). Feedback and revision patterns in cloud-based writing environment: Variation across Feedback Source and Task Type. Writing and Pedagogy.
Yim, S., Wang, D., Olson, J., Vu, V., & Warschauer, M. (2017). Synchronous Collaborative Writing in the Classroom: Undergraduates’ Collaboration Practices and their Impact on Writing Style, Quality, and Quantity. Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing.
Yim, S., & Warschauer, M. 2017). Web-based Collaborative Writing in Second Language (L2) Contexts: Methodological Insights from Text Mining. Language, Learning, and Technology, 21(1), 146-165.
Yim, S., Saito-Stehberger, D., & Warschauer, M. (in press). The long view. In J. I. Liontas (Ed.), The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
Zheng, B., Yim, S., & Warschauer, M. (in press). Social Media in the writing classroom and beyond. In J. I. Liontas (Ed.), The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
Yim, S., Warschauer, M., & Zheng, B. (2016). Google Docs in the classroom: a district-wide case study. Teachers College Record, 119(9).
Yim, S., & Warschauer, M. (2016). CALL and Electronic Media. In K. Hyland & P. Shaw (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of English for Academic Purposes (pp.592-607). London: Routledge.
Yim, S., Niiya, M., & Warschauer, M. (2015). E-inclusion in education: Lessons from five countries. In K. Andreasson (Ed.), Digital divides: The new challenges and opportunities of e-inclusion. (pp.181-202). Florida: CRC Press.
Warschauer, M., Tate, T., Niiya, M., Park,Y., & Yim, S.(2014). Supporting Digital Literacy in Educational Contexts: Emerging Pedagogies and Technologies. International Baccalaureate Organization.
Yim, S., Zheng, B., Warschauer, M., & Lawrence, J.F. (2014). Cloud-based Collaborative Writing and the Common Core State Standards. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 58(3), 243-541.
Yim, S., & Warschauer, M. (2013). Technology and second language writing: A framework-based synthesis of research. In Pytash. K., & Ferdig. R. (Eds.). Exploring Technology for Writing and Writing Instruction. (296-311). IGI Global.
Lawrence, J.F., Galloway, E. P., Yim, S., & Lin, A. (2013). Learning to write in middle school? Insights into adolescent writers' instructional experiences across content areas. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 57(2), 151–161.
Zheng, B., Yim, S., & Warschauer, M. (April, 2016). Collaborative Writing Patterns in a Cloud-Based Environment. American Educational Research Association. Washington, U.S.
Zheng, B., Yim, S., Warshcuaer, M., & Lawrence, J.F. (Novermber, 2014). Cloud-based Collaborative Writing and the Common Core Standards. Literacy Research Association. Florida, U.S.
Lawrence, J.F., Galloway, E. P., Yim, S., & Lin, A. (November, 2012). Macro-contextual factors impacting the development of proficient analytic writers: Insights into the literacy lives of adolescents gleaned from a comprehensive document analysis. Literacy Research Association. San Diego.
Yim, S., Lawrence, J.F., Phillips, E., & Lin, A. (July, 2012). Content area writing in an urban U.S. middle school and implications for EFL contexts. Paper to be presented at the Korea Association of Teachers of English (KATE) International Conference, Seoul, South Korea.