Alumna Tara Barnhart (Assistant Professor, CSU Fullerton) and Associate Professor Elizabeth van Es have published in CITE (Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education): "Leveraging Analysis of Students’ Disciplinary Thinking in a Video Club to Promote Student-Centered Science Instruction."
Abstract Recent policy reports and standards documents advocate for science teachers to adopt more student-centered instructional practices. Four secondary science teachers from one school district participated in a semester-long video club focused on honing attention to students’ evidence-based reasoning and creating opportunities to make students’ reasoning visible in practice. Although all participants expressed value in attending to students’ ideas and shifting autonomy to students in the classroom, they experienced varying levels and types of integration in their practice. Analysis revealed that teachers’ goals and commitments influenced the incremental ways in which participants integrated learning from the video club. Sustained and substantial changes to practice likely require support through multiple cycles of shifting visions of what is possible, coupled with collaborative attempts to work through challenges of implementation. Barnhart, T., & van Es, E. (2018). Leveraging analysis of students’ disciplinary thinking in a video club to promote student-centered science instruction. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 18(1), 1-18. Comments are closed.