"Bridging Cognitive Science and Real Classrooms: A Video Methodology for Experimental Research"9/12/2017
PhD Alumnus Kreshnik Begolli (Temple University Institute for Learning & Education Sciences) has published with Associate Professor Lindsey Richland (University of Chicago) in The Journal of Experimental Education (August 2017): "Bridging Cognitive Science and Real Classrooms: A Video Methodology for Experimental Research."
Abstract We describe a new approach to the use of video-based technology for conducting controlled experiments in classroom contexts. Specifically, we describe a process for editing video recordings of live classroom lessons to create multiple versions, such that only one aspect of the lesson is systematically varied. Other aspects of the instruction are all held constant, including audio, curricular content, student participation, and other notoriously hard-to-control details of the interactional context that impact learning (e.g., gestures, affect). These edited lesson versions can be randomly assigned to students by condition within classrooms to meet a high standard for random assignment. This technology provides opportunities for deriving causal data on the efficacy of teaching practices through stimuli approximating a typical everyday classroom context. Begolli, K. N., & Richland, L. E. (August 2017). Bridging cognitive science and real classrooms: A video methodology for experimental research. The Journal of Experimental Education. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00220973.2017.1347775 Comments are closed.