In her new book, Thinking Tools for Young Readers & Writers: Strategies to Promote Higher Literacy in Grades 2-8, bestselling author and professional developer Carol Booth Olson and colleagues offer a rich array of research-based teaching strategies to show teachers how to help young readers and writers construct meaning from and with texts.
Focusing on the “thinking tools” employed by experienced readers and writers, Professor Olson and her team provide strategies for drawing on the natural connections between reading and writing, and demonstrate how cognitive strategies can be embedded into the teaching of narrative, informational, and argumentative texts. By including artifacts and written work produced by students across the grade levels, the authors connect the cognitive and affective domains for full student engagement. Thinking Tools for Young Readers & Writers is designed to:
Thinking Tools for Young Readers & Writers features:
Olson, C. B., Balius, A., McCourtney, E., Widtmann, M., & Langer, J. A. (2018). Thinking tools for young readers and writers: Strategies to promote higher literacy in grades 2–8. New York: Columbia University Teachers College Press. Comments are closed.