Event: 2018 School of Education Research Poster Celebration
Date: Friday, September 28, 2018 Time: 3:30-5:00 pm Location: School of Education Courtyard Open to the public Presenter: Maricela Banuelos Poster Title: "Social Capital and the Matriculation of First-Generation Students of Color into Doctoral Programs" Poster Advisor: Stephanie Reich Abstract Less than 23% of graduate students are Black or Latinx, and about half are also first generation (FG) students. Studies find social capital to be important for FG students’ enrollment into doctoral programs, but its role for FG students of color is not well explored. This study considers the role of professors, as sources of social capital, for supporting FG Black and Latinx students’ enrollment in doctoral programs. Fifteen FG doctoral students of color were individually interviewed using a semi- structured interview protocol. From this, four key elements of social capital were identified; social support, bridging capital, instrumental capital, and aspirational role modeling, which demonstrate how professors help cultivate social capital for FG students of color to enter doctoral programs. Comments are closed.