Event: 2018 School of Education Research Poster Celebration
Date: Friday, September 28, 2018 Time: 3:30-5:00 pm Location: School of Education Courtyard Presenter: Sirui Wan Poster Title: "Is Intervention Fadeout a Scaling Artifact?" Poster Advisor: Drew Bailey Abstract The impacts of early educational interventions often fade out over time. One category of explanations for this pattern is that fadeout is a statistical artifact of the way achievement tests are scaled. Consistent with this possibility, changes in some group differences across development have been found to be highly sensitive to scaling decisions. Using data from the TRIAD evaluation study, we examine how various order-preserving scale transformations affect the change of the mathematics achievement test score gap between children in control group and in Building Blocks group from preschool through first grade. Our results imply that fadeout is largely robust to different scaling decisions and thus is not a scaling artifact in this case. Comments are closed.