This article explores the intersection of two central issues in computer science education (CSed): what is meant by “equitable computer science education,” and how attendant equity goals play out as school districts attempt to implement comprehensive K12 CSed initiatives. Based on analysis of qualitative data gathered over 15 months of one district's efforts in this area, our findings illustrate how varying conceptualizations of equitable CSed are at play during institutional change processes in a school district, and how negotiation and management of differing equity-related goals takes place within CSed systems change efforts. The implications of this work point to the need of district-wide CSed efforts to engage stakeholders from across levels in the system in the process of planning and implementation. Additionally, we see a potential need for deliberative routines where various conceptions and attendant goals around equity, both related and unrelated to CSed, can be understood and negotiated among district actors. Comments are closed.