From Saddleback Valley Unified School District News
The annual California Association for Bilingual Education (CABE) Conference was held in Sacramento the week of March 18, 2018. Five aspiring bilingual teachers were awarded teachership awards, and three of them are currently student teaching within SVUSD. These students are enrolled in UC Irvine's School of Education Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) program. Margarita Rodriguez, Karina Calderon and Jennifer Chavez-Lanza, are completing their student teaching in the two-way Spanish immersion classrooms at Gates Elementary School. Megan Gibbs and Marco Castillo, both recipients of a teachership award in 2014, are strong advocates in the field and have mentored many bilingual undergraduates from UCI. Megan is also a master teacher for many UCI bilingual student teachers enrolled in the MAT program. Both Megan and Marco teach at Gates Elementary School, our well known and award-winning two-way Spanish immersion school, and are strong partners for many UCI students completing fieldwork hours at the graduate and undergraduate level in the School of Education. Comments are closed.