UCI School of Education faculty, doctoral students, and alumni are presenting at the 45th annual conference of the Association for Education Finance and Policy (AEFP) in Fort Worth, March 19-21. The 2020 conference theme is Toward a Meaningful Impact through Research, Policy, and Practice. At AEFP conferences, educators, researchers, and policy makers explore the means by which resources are generated, distributed, and used to enhance human learning. Topics and presenters are listed below, organized alphabetically by presenter. Alumni names are italicized. Additional conference information is available here.
Title: Teacher Looping and English Language Learners: Does Repeating Student-Teacher Match Enhance English Language Learners’ Academic Achievement? Author: Na Young Hwang (University of Notre Dame) Title: Does Beginning Teacher Mentoring Impact Retention and Diversity? Authors: Yujia Liu, Emily Penner Title: Balancing Time in College: Examining Time-Use and Academic Outcomes of Students Participating in a Comprehensive College Transition Program Authors: Elizabeth Park, Elise Swanson Title: Unrealistic Expectations?: The Gap Between Initial Academic Beliefs and Final Grades on STEM Degree Attainment Authors: Elizabeth Park, Sabrina Solanki (University of Michigan), Peter McPartlan (San Diego State University), Di Xu
Title: Intended Benefits or Unintended Consequences? Impact of the Introduction of State Pre-K Programs on Head Start Enrollment of Children with Disabilities
Authors: Qing Zhang, Jade Jenkins Rachel Baker: Chair for the Advising and Major Selection Policy: How Colleges Shape Student Pathways session. Emily Penner: Chair for the Transportation and School Choice session. Sabrina Solanki (University of Michigan): Chair for the Diversity and Equity Initiatives Across the Educational Pipeline: Impacts on Undergraduate and Graduate Education session. Comments are closed.