American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting
Theme: Leveraging Educational Research in a “Post-Truth” Era: Multimodal Narratives to Democratize Evidence Toronto, Canada April 5-9, 2019 Title: Better Together: How Teacher Collaboration Supports Implementation and Student Learning During a Large-scale Technology Intervention (Paper) Session: Technology Innovations in Teacher Development and Instructional Integration Authors: Joanna Yau, Jenell Krishnan, Ying Xu, Tamara Powell Tate, George Farkas, Penelope Collins, Mark Warschauer Abstract: We examined teacher collaboration in the context of a year-long technology intervention. Forty-nine English Language Arts teachers reported on a weekly basis the number of minutes they spent using digital materials from the study. At the end of the year, teachers reported frequency of collaboration and their self-efficacy for using technology in the classroom. Collaborating with other teachers was associated with technology use, which was then associated with self-efficacy, and with student achievement. Teachers at schools with more participating teachers collaborated more frequently. Teachers were more likely to ask for support from same-school colleagues than the university team or teachers at different schools. Thus, digital interventions should foster collaborations between same-school teachers to improve implementation, efficacy, and student achievement. Comments are closed.