American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting
Theme: Leveraging Educational Research in a “Post-Truth” Era: Multimodal Narratives to Democratize Evidence Toronto, Canada April 5-9, 2019 Title: Effects of Peer-Assisted Mathematics Learning Opportunities in First Grade Classrooms: What Works for Whom? (Poster) Session: Mathematics Teaching and Learning Authors: Taffeta Wood, Carol M. Connor Abstract: To investigate whether peer-assisted mathematics instruction supports students’ mathematics gains in first grade, we conducted a randomized controlled trial with 464 first graders in 28 classrooms. We examined whether different types of instruction are more effective for students depending on their initial skill levels in mathematics. Students were randomly assigned to their core curriculum (Saxon Math) plus Math Pals, an evidence-based peer-assisted math intervention or to control classrooms using only core math curriculum. The results revealed no significant difference between the Math Pals and control groups in their math gains. However, there were initial math X treatment interaction effects: students with above average initial mathematics skills demonstrated stronger math outcomes when they receive both the core curriculum and Math Pals. Comments are closed.