American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting
Theme: Leveraging Educational Research in a “Post-Truth” Era: Multimodal Narratives to Democratize Evidence Toronto, Canada April 5-9, 2019 Title: Eliciting Scientific Funds of Knowledge Through Social Media Sharing in Formal Learning Environments (Paper) Session: Advanced Technologies for Learning Authors: Kelly Mills, Elizabeth Bonsignore, Daniel Pauw, Caroline Pitt, Hernly, Lautaro Cabrera, Hannoori Jeong, Jason Yip, June Ahn, Tamara Lynnette Clegg Abstract: Increasingly, researchers and practitioners have postulated that children's use of social media (SM) presents opportunities for educators to access everyday funds of knowledge and connect them to formal scientific practices and language. Despite studies that underscore teachers' willingness to draw children's SM use into the classroom, actual implementation is rare and sharing of best practices remains limited. Our case study presents the efforts of three middle school teachers who aimed to connect their learners' use of SM to formal science practices. We apply Moje's (2004) framework of Funds of Knowledge and Discourse to suggest how teachers can use SM in classrooms to include their learners' funds of knowledge within official school Discourse in complementary and expansive ways. Comments are closed.