American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting
Theme: Leveraging Educational Research in a “Post-Truth” Era: Multimodal Narratives to Democratize Evidence Toronto, Canada April 5-9, 2019 Title: One Chart, Many Meanings: Understanding the Variability of Teacher Interpretations of Dashboards for Classroom Practice (Poster) Session: Technology as an Agent of Change in Teaching and Learning Authors: June Ahn, Fabio Campus, Maria Hays, Daniela Kruel Di Giacomo Abstract: Data dashboards representing classroom practices are becoming more abundant in schools across the US. In this information-rich context, educators are expected to make accurate inferences to inform and justify their courses of action. However, the ways in which teachers make sense of dashboard representations have not been explored systematically in education research. There is a growing need to understand how dashboards can support educators as they interpret information and transform classroom data into actionable insights. This study reports on a series of survey experiments and interviews with teachers around data sensemaking. Our goal is to understand the range of interpretations afforded by different genres of data visualizations to better inform the design of dashboards for teachers’ sensemaking practices. Comments are closed.