PhD alumna Priyanka Agarwal is joining the University of California, Los Angeles Department of Psychology as a postdoctoral scholar.
Dr. Agarwal will lead a research study of a college-level remedial mathematics program as a principal investigator while working with Professor James Stigler. Additionally, Agarwal has been awarded an Early Career Fellowship funded by a grant to Mindset Scholars Network from Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. As a part of this fellowship she will synthesize interdisciplinary research on inclusive mathematics learning environment for girls and sexual minoritized youth in middle schools. Using aspects of research-practice partnership, Agarwal’s research focuses on designing and examining inclusive learning environments in the context of K-16 mathematics education. For her dissertation she studied the practice of mathematical problem posing, processes of student participation and agency in mathematical inquiry, and its implications for redressing epistemic injustice for minoritized learners in schools. Her research was funded by a California Education Research Association Research Partnership Grant, a University of California President’s Dissertation Fellowship, and a College Preparatory Mathematics Fellowship. She has also conducted research on equitable teacher noticing practices and curriculum differentiation policies in mathematics education. Agarwal specialized in Learning, Teaching, Cognition, and Development. She was advised by Associate Professor Rossella Santagata and Assistant Professor Tesha Sengupta-Irving (UC Berkeley). Recent publication: Agarwal, P. & Sengupta-Irving, T. (2019). Integrating power to advance the study of connective and productive disciplinary engagement in mathematics and science. Cognition and Instruction, 37(3), 349-366. Comments are closed.