UCI's Associated Student Government (AGS) Annual Graduate Research Symposium, held April 26 at the UCI Student Center, showcased outstanding graduate and professional student research. Graduate students applied to AGS for the opportunity to present their research posters. During the symposium, presenters were allotted seven minutes to explain their research in language appropriate for a lay audience, followed by two minutes of questions by an evaluation team. The AGS symposium is designed to provide graduate students with opportunities to interact with other students, faculty, and community members and network with industry and academic professionals.
Three PhD in Education students presented at the symposium. Click on the presentation titles to access the abstracts. Title: Is Intervention Fadeout a Scaling Artefact? Presenter: Sirui Wan Title: Music to My Ears: A Proposed Intervention for Speech Discrimination in Noise Presenter: Alexandria Weaver Title: Understanding Writing Proficiency Presenter: Vicky Chen Comments are closed.