Eighteen CalTeach Science and Mathematics Program graduates, Cohort 8, celebrated earning their STEM degree + Teaching Credential at the June 14th UCI CalTeach Science and Math Program Reception. The graduates have completed course requirements in a rigorous program that combines scientific training in math and science and field experience student teaching in Orange County elementary, middle, and high school classrooms. UCI’s CalTeach program is a collaboration among three schools - Biological Science, Physical Science, and Education – that enables undergraduates to complete both their STEM degree and a single subject teaching credential in a minimum of four years. The 2019 cohort represented the various fields of study available through the CalTeach program.
As part of the June 14 ceremonies, CalTeach Director Doron Zinger and Master Teacher Kris Houston announced the recipients of two new awards: CalTeach Champion, given to Dean Ken Janda, and the CalTeach Student Service Award, given to Shantel Lopez. Both awards will be bestowed on a yearly basis. Following the awards, Zinger acknowledged and thanked the CalTeach faculty, fieldwork supervisors, and mentor teachers for their guidance and support during the student teaching experience.
Faculty and Supervisors: Amanda Holton, Lecturer; Christine Cameron, Supervisor; Danyelle Dale, Supervisor; Helen de la Maza, Lecturer; Sabina Giakoumis, Lecturer; Jeremy Hansuvadha, Lecturer; Kenn Huber, Lecturer; Karajean Hyde, Lecturer; Summer Keller, Lecturer; Esther Kim, Supervisor; Laura Palen, Supervisor; Stephanie Quan, Lecturer and Supervisor; Bill Brooks, Supervisor; Mahya Babaie, Lecturer; Vanessa Cerrahoglu, Lecturer; Gwen Blakenship, Supervisor; Chris Huff, Supervisor; Terry Shanahan, Supervisor; Bill Butler, Supervisor; and Claudia Flint, Supervisor. Mentor Teachers: Gabby Camacho, Laura Compton, Katheryn Cowans, Karen De Luna Lopez- Perez, Mickey Dickson, Emily Fellmer, Erika Fierro, Josh Gagnier, Nicole Gassner, Russell Hill, Pedro Ibarra, Charles McDonald, Nick McHatton, Vanessa Morales, Sara Neufeld, Sarah Ormes, Sue Pickels, and Julie Siratt. The collaborative CalTeach Leadership Team includes Kenneth Janda, Dean, School of Physical Sciences; Richard Arum, Dean, School of Education; Frank LaFerla, Dean, School of Biological Sciences; Doron Zinger, Education Co-Director/Program Director of CalTeach; Philip Collins, Physical Science Co-Director/Professor of Physics; Jessica Pratt, Biological Science Co-Director/Assistant Teaching Professor of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology; Kristine Houston, CalTeach Academic Coordinator/Maser Teacher; and Kelley Le, Teacher Network Facilitator. For additional information about UCI’s CalTeach program, contact Chelsea Barilli, CalTeach Program Coordinator; Don Williams, Physical Sciences Counselor; Jennifer Bague-Sampson, Biological Sciences Counselor. CalTeach Graduation Reception Photographs Comments are closed.