"Challenges, Benefits, and Considerations When Conducting Classroom Video Observation Research"1/22/2018
Postdoctoral Researcher Leigh McLean (ASU) and Chancellor's Professor Carol M. Connor have published in Sage Research Methods Cases Part 2: "Challenges, Benefits, and Considerations When Conducting Classroom Video Observation Research" (http://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781526436252).
Abstract Classroom observation research using video data has the potential to provide rich, "high-yield" opportunities to investigate important classroom processes that affect student development. However, collecting, assessing, and analyzing classroom observation data come with a unique set of challenges. Furthermore, the successful creation and application of classroom observation tools take careful consideration by investigators. In this case study, we use a published piece and the larger longitudinal study from which this piece stems to guide a discussion of classroom video observation methods. This discussion includes important considerations when developing novel observational tools, as well as investigator recommendations for how to collect, assess, and analyze video observation data. With this case study, we hope to provide practical advice for those hoping to conduct high-quality classroom observation research, with the goal of ensuring that the field continues to move forward through positive contributions involving these methods. http://methods.sagepub.com/case/challenges-benefits-considerations-conducting-classroom-video-observation Comments are closed.