Distinguished Professor Jacquelynne Eccles presented at the 8th Annual Gender Development Research Conference, sponsored by the University of California, Santa Cruz, in San Francisco, October 18. The event is one of the major international psychology conferences on gender roles.
Professor Eccles joined a special symposium with two other "mothers" of the psychology of gender and women’s studies at University of California, Los Angeles - Irene Frieze, now at the University of Pittsburgh, and Diane Ruble, now at New York University - and of psychology more generally. In discussing the topic "Looking Back at the First Feminist Psychology of Women Textbook", they talked about their historical perspectives on the field of gender studies within the field of psychology over the last 50 years. In addition to her interest in gender development, Professor Eccles also researches academic motivation and achievement, school and family influences on adolescent development, and gender and ethnicity in STEM fields. Comments are closed.