The Educational Policy (EPSC) Lab is holding its first meeting of the 2017-18 academic year on Monday, October 23, 12:00-1:00 pm, in Education 2005. PhD student Jennifer Duer is the featured presenter.
The Lab serves as a forum for researchers and students from multiple disciplines whose interests intersect in the field of K-16 education policy to share research ideas, works-in-progress, and future conference presentations. 10/23/17 Title: Unpacking Braided Funding in Early Childcare Centers Abstract: This study examines the role of blended funding for early childcare centers using the NSECE dataset. The results suggest that centers report high percentages of blending across local, state, and federal government dollars. Individuals interested in understanding how center-based programs combine childcare policies will recognize the prevalence of blended funding. This work can expand future childcare policy work by taking into account how policies impact blended centers and classrooms. Researchers interested in the mix of funding streams supporting ECE may find this discussion especially useful. Comments are closed.