Forty 8th grade teachers from Southern California attended UCI History Project's January 16, 2019 workshop focused on resources and strategies for teaching students about the Mexican American War. During the 9:00 am to 3:00 pm session, participants explored history-social science content and pedagogical skills aligned to the California Framework. Content presentations included the following:
Small group discussion provided participants with opportunities to review documents and discuss implementation strategies The UCI History Project offers professional development, workshops, and trainings for Southern California history and social studies teachers. Curriculum support for K-12 teachers consists of supplemental curriculum handbooks; teacher training institutes in the fields of content-based literacy, American history, and world history; and suggested internet resources for advanced curriculum development. The History Project is coordinated by site director Nicole Gilbertson. The final workshop in this year's 8th grade series, Industrialization in the West, will be held March 13 at UC Irvine. The final workshop in the 10th grade series, Partition of India and Pakistan, will be held February 5. Information Comments are closed.