PhD student Jiwon Lee and her advisor, Associate Professor Rossella Santagata, presented at the 22nd annual conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE), held February 9th in Houston, Texas.
AMTE, the largest professional organization devoted to the improvement of mathematics teacher education, includes over 1,000 members supporting preservice education and professional development of preK-16 teachers of mathematics. Members include professors, researchers, teacher-leaders, school mathematics coordinators, policy experts, graduate students, and others. Presentation Title: Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching and Mathematical Quality of Instruction of Novice Elementary School Teacher Abstract A strong, positive relationship between practicing teachers’ mathematical knowledge for teaching and their mathematical quality of instruction has been documented in the literature (Hill et al., 2008). This study examines whether a similar relationship exists for novice lower-elementary teachers during their first year of teaching and how their knowledge translates to their instructional decisions. Previously developed instruments were used to examine seven teachers. Results from this study indicate that the positive relationship between MKT and MQI extends to a sample of novice teachers. Although most teachers’ level of knowledge was reflected in instruction, some teachers’ quality of instruction was higher or lower than expected, given their level of knowledge. The results and implications are further discussed. Comments are closed.