PhD student David Liu has received the 2018 UCI Engage Graduate Student "Future of the Field" Award at the May 9th Celebration of Community Engagement awards ceremony.
David was commended for his work with El Sol Science and Arts Academy in Santa Ana and with Project CRYSTAL. At El Sol, David has been engaged in a design-based research project, a research practice partnership, to understand how to design afterschool programs that connect home, school, and community resources. Over the past two years, he has spearheaded an effort to develop and implement an after school program in Santa Ana - Super Science Squad -to support middle school students’ engagement and interest in STEM. With Project CRYSTAL David was "instrumental in developing and maintaining relationships with school partners, spending countless hours working with teachers, students, and parents in classrooms and in the field." The underlying goal of David's work is to design and implement programs that support students so they will position themselves as active science learners and use science to improve their communities. David is a fourth year PhD in Education student, specializing in Learning, Teaching, Cognition, and Development (LTCD). His research promotes science education, out-of-school time activities, diversity and equity. He is advised by Assistant Professor Hosun Kang. Read more about David Liu's accomplishments from colleagues who submitted letters of nomination. Comments are closed.