On June 19, Single Subject Coordinator Acacia Warren facilitated the first of two project-based learning institutes for Orange County K-12 educators. Participants represented various elementary, middle, and high schools throughout Southern California.
During the six-hour session at the School of Education, participants discussed instructional implications and strategies for implementation and joined in team design of an interdisciplinary unit on a topic of their choice, using access to a Google folder with sample units, rubrics, planning templates, and related resources. As part of the workshop, Dr. Warren gave each participant a copy of her first publication, Project-Based Learning Across the Disciplines: Plan, Manage, and Assess Through +1 Pedagogy, and guided the group through a "tabbing and tagging" activity. Photos of Tabbing and Tagging Activity Warren will be facilitating a second project-based learning institute on July 31. Information Comments are closed.