Title: “That’s for Rich White People”: Latina Doctoral Students’ Navigation of Family Obligations and Cultural Norms
Presenter: Jennifer Cabrera Poster Advisor: Stephanie Reich Research Specialization: Human Development in Context Abstract Only 7% of doctorates earned are by Latinx students and less than half are by Latinas (43%). Studies find that parents oftentimes pressure Latinas to conform to traditional female heteronormative social roles as daughter, wife, and mother, even after earning an undergraduate degree (Espino 2016). Using Chicana Feminist Theory, this study explores how familial obligations affect the experiences of 16 Latina doctoral students. During semi-structured interviews, women described family as highly important, but family influences varied with some parental relationships being supportive and others problematic. In order to increase the number of Latinas entering and completing doctoral programs, universities must recognize the cultural and familial dynamics and static notions of womanhood that may affect Latinas’ educational pursuits. Comments are closed.