Event: 2018 School of Education Research Poster Celebration
Date: Friday, September 28, 2018 Time: 3:30-5:00 pm Location: School of Education Courtyard Presenter: Su Jiang Poster Title: "Pattern-Centered Analysis of Latinx Adolescents’ Math and Science Motivational Beliefs and the Relation to Science Class Engagement" Poster Advisor: Sandra Simpkins Abstract Latinx students are underrepresented in STEM fields. According to expectancy-value theory, adolescents' motivational beliefs shape their achievement and engagement in class. Using a longitudinal dataset of 103 Latinx adolescents, this study took a pattern-centered approach to describe the underlying profiles of Latinx adolescents’ math and science motivational beliefs and how these profiles in 9th grade relate to their science classroom engagement in 10th. Besides an Above Average and an Overall Low group, this study identified three unique motivational profiles: High Math, High Science, and Low SC High Importance. Results suggested that Students’ math and science motivational beliefs profiles in 9th grade were related to 10th grade cognitive and emotional engagement in science class but not behavioral engagement. Comments are closed.