Title: Examining Individual and Family Strengths as Moderators of the Association Between Low Teacher Quality and Math Performance
Presenter: Glona Lee Poster Advisor: Sandra Simpkins Research Specialization: Human Development in Context Abstract Although low teacher quality is associated with declines in performance, students’ individual (i.e., ability self-concept) and family (e.g., supportive parents) strengths may serve as protective factors to help adolescents be resilient to these challenges. We tested the association between teacher quality and students’ math performance, and the moderating role of individual and family strengths using the data from the High School Longitudinal Study (Students: N=14580; Parents: N=11030 in 2009). The results suggest that low teacher quality is negatively associated with students’ performance. Adolescents’ math self-concept directly predicted students’ performance whereas the outcomes associated with parent support varied based on adolescents’ self-concept and teacher quality. This study highlights the importance of individual and family strengths in demonstrating resilience in adolescents. Comments are closed.