Title: Does Beginning Teacher Mentoring Impact Retention and Diversity? Evaluating the Oregon Mentoring Program
Presenter: Yujia Liu Poster Advisors: Emily Penner & Greg Duncan Research Specialization: Educational Policy and Social Context Abstract The Oregon Mentoring Program was established in 2008 to provide a comprehensive system of support to beginning teachers. This study investigated the impacts of the program on teacher retention using eight years of administrative data. Specifically, this study leverages staggered and rotating funding for this program across Oregon school districts to understand whether the program improved the retention rate for beginning teachers and contributed to the diversity of beginning teachers. Prior reports comparing retention rates across districts with and without the program in a given year showed some positive effects; however, difference-in-difference estimates using district by year fixed-effect models indicate no significant differences in either retention rates or diversity improvement of the beginning teachers in the participating districts. Comments are closed.