Title: The Affordances of Infographics for Undergraduates’ Writing Development
Presenter: Undarmaa Maamuujav Poster Advisor: Carol Olson Research Specialization: Teaching, Learning, and Educational Improvement Abstract Writing is a cognitively-demanding task for undergraduate students because it requires an in-depth understanding of rhetorical and domain knowledge, genre conventions, and linguistic principles. Teaching writing to students with diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds in a way that fosters competence and confidence is equally challenging. Considering the complexity of writing from students’ and instructor’s standpoints, this exploratory, pilot study seeks to examine the affordances of infographics in process-based writing in an upper-division undergraduate writing course. The instructional approach proposed here utilizes infographics as the means of scaffolding the cognitive demands of writing while acknowledging students’ motivational factors. The study seeks to first explore the teaching and learning affordances of integrating infographics as a planning and communicating tool during writing-intensive courses. Comments are closed.