Title: Parenting Values Among Culturally Diverse Families
Presenter: Maritza Morales-Gracia Poster Advisor: Stephanie Reich Research Specialization: Human Development in Context & Educational Policy and Social Context Abstract Cultural values play an important role in families; thus, parenting programs should be informed in light of these values. However, few parenting studies consider value systems and many disproportionately focus on white, middle-class, married mothers ignoring ethnically diverse, low-income, fathers and couples. This study explores the qualities that diverse parents’ value for their children, how these values cluster, and how values compare within couples. Q-sort data from 396 parents about the qualities they want their child to develop demonstrate heterogeneity in values. However, couples tend to agree on the characteristics they value most. Such patterns can inform parenting programs by connecting parental values to childrearing information and services, helping parents to raise children who exemplify the characteristics they value most. Comments are closed.