Title: Examining Parent and Sibling Science-Specific Support for Latinx Adolescents
Presenter: Perla Ramos Carranza Poster Advisors: Sandra Simpkins & Deborah Vandell Research Specialization: Human Development in Context Abstract Given the underrepresentation of Latinx in STEM fields and that family support predicts the academic motivation of Latinx adolescents, it is important to understand these family processes specifically in science. We qualitatively examined what 90 Latinx adolescents believed was the science-specific support they received from their parents and siblings, and quantitatively tested the role of parent education. Parents and siblings supported adolescents in science through teaching, homework help, conversations, monitoring, resources and encouragement. The most common support from parents was monitoring and from siblings, it was homework help. In families of parents without college experience, homework help only from siblings was more prevalent. These findings highlight the complementary way in which parents and siblings may co-support Latinx adolescents in science. Comments are closed.