Title: Learning to Move Backward in Order to Move Forward: Understanding Perspectives and Navigating Boundaries in a Research-Practice Partnership
Presenter: Jacob Steiss Poster Advisors: Brandy Gatlin & Carol Olson Research Specialization: Human Development in Context Abstract This case study examines the development of a Research-Practice Partnership (RPP), which aims to join researchers and practitioners in mutually productive research. In designing research to evaluate a High School’s Career Academies, partners had to navigate distinct perspectives, which served as boundaries to designing and conducting research. A pivotal moment in the RPP occurred when descriptive analyses of the Career Academies prompted the team to question their understanding (looking backward) of the program and facilitated a shift towards an inquiry into processes: why/how the Career Academies produce desired outcomes (moving forward). A turn to descriptive data can help clarify different perspectives and orient partners toward research aimed at understanding and improving how educational programs reach desired outcomes. Comments are closed.