Distinguished Professors Greg Duncan (left), Jacquelynne Eccles (center), and Rubén Rumbaut (right) served as members of a mixed methods working group that issued a report presenting examples of exemplary mixed-methods research. The report - “Mixed Methods for Studies That Address Broad and Enduring Issues in Education Research” - presents recommendations on how empirical researchers can address important and enduring educational problems using research concepts, theories, designs, and methods drawn from a wide range of disciplines, intellectual traditions, and research paradigms. The report also details key features, challenges, ways to address the challenges, training, and issues of funding and publishing.
“Working group members shared an appreciation for the power of mixed methods to help answer a wide range of important educational research and policy questions,” Duncan said. “They also wanted to help spread the word.” The working group was sponsored by a Spencer Foundation small grant to Lois Weis (University at Buffalo), Margaret Eisenhart (University of Colorado Boulder), and Duncan. In total, 20 senior level scholars and funders contributed to the report. The report is available from Teachers College Record or for purchase: https://www.tcrecord.org/content.asp?contentid=22741 and is summarized in the Mixed Methods Working Group Statement. Comments are closed.