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Kim, Y.-S. G., & Piper, B. (in press). Cross-language transfer of reading skills: An empirical investigation of bidirectionality and the influence of instructional environments. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal. Kim, Y.-S. G., & Park, S. (2018). Unpacking pathways using the Direct and Indirect Effects Model of Writing (DIEW) and the contributions of higher order cognitive skills to writing. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal. Kim, Y.-S. G., Petscher, Y., Wanzek, J., & Al Otaiba, S. (2018). Relations between reading and writing: A longitudinal examination from Grades 3 to 6. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 31, 1591-1618. Connor, C. M., Phillips, B., Kim, Y.-S. G., Lonigan, C. J., Kaschak, M. P., Crowe, E., Dombek, J., et al. (2018). Examining the efficacy of targeted component interventions on language and literacy for third and fourth graders who are at risk of comprehension difficulties. Scientific Studies of Reading, 22(6), 462-484. Wawire, B., & Kim, Y.-S. G. (2018). Cross-language transfer of phonological awareness and letter knowledge: Causal evidence and nature of transfer. Scientific Studies of Reading, 22(6), 443-461. Kim, Y.-S. G., Cho, J.-R., & Park, S.-G. (2018). Unpacking direct and indirect relations of short term memory, RAN, phonological awareness, morphological awareness, and orthographic awareness to word reading. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 51, 473-481. Katzir, T., Kim, Y.-S. G., & Dotan, S. (2018). Reading self-concept and reading anxiety in second grade children: The roles of word reading, emergent literacy skills, working memory, and gender. Frontiers in Psychology. Kim, Y.-S. G., Vorstius, C., & Radach, R. (2018). Does online comprehension monitoring make a unique contribution to reading comprehension in beginning readers? Evidence from eye movements. Scientific Studies of Reading, 22(5), 367-383. Coker, D. L., & Kim, Y.-S. G. (2018). Critical issues in the understanding of young elementary school students at risk for problems in written expression: Introduction to the special issue. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 51, 315-319. Kim, Y.-S. G., Gatlin, B., Al Otaiba, S., & Wanzek, J. (2018). Theorization and an empirical investigation of the component-based and developmental writing fluency construct. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 51(4), 320-335. Comments are closed.