The following 2019 SRCD presentations are organized alphabetically by title. Click on the title to access the abstract.
Title: The Added Challenge of eBook Reading: Exploring Young Children’s Page Turning Behaviors Session: Connecting Development to Mobile Preschool App Design and Use Authors: Ying Xu, Joanna C. Yau, Stephanie Reich Title: Anxiety and Children’s Mathematical Learning: Testing an Expressive Writing Intervention Session: Relational Learning in Real-World Contexts: Cognitive, Educational, and Socio-Cultural Factors Authors: Almaz Mesghina, Lindsey Richland Title: Assessment of Executive Function at 24-Months in a Diverse, Low-Income Sample (Poster) Session: Attention, Learning, Memory Authors: Estefany Araniva, Kelsey Garcia, Diletta Mittone, Guadalupe Diaz, Natasha Cabrera, Stephanie Reich Title: The Association between Self-Regulation and ADHD Symptoms and First Grade Reading Outcomes (Poster) Session: Attention, Learning, Memory Authors: Stephanie Day, Carol Connor Title: Benefits of Playing Tablet Games on Kindergarten Children’s Numerical Knowledge Session: Innovative Approaches at Home and School to Improve Children’s Early Math Skills Authors: Geetha Ramani, Emily Daubert, Grace Lin, Snigdha Kamarsu, Alaina Wodzinski, Susanne Jaeggi Title: Beyond Wealth: The Early Social Context as a Protective Factor for Cognitive Development in Nicaragua (Poster) Session: International Section Authors: Elayne Teska, Lindsey Richland Title: Characterizing Working Memory Growth Trajectories throughout Early Schooling (Poster) Session: Attention, Learning, Memory Authors: Adrienne Woods, Yanyan Wang, Paul Morgan, George Farkas, Marianne Hillemeier Title: Child Characteristics which can Predict Dyslexia in the Context of an Effective Intervention (Poster) Session: Developmental Disabilities Authors: Dandan Yang, Carol Connor Title: Close Relationships in Adolescence and Adulthood as Predictors of Inflammatory Markers in Midlife Session: Close Relationships and Physical Health: A Lifespan Developmental Perspective Authors: Jessica Stern, Katherine Ehrlich, Jason Jones, Emma Adam, Jacquelynne Eccles, Jude Cassidy Title: Comics and Choices: Designing a Statistics Course for Diverse Learners (Poster) Session: Pre-Conference Presenters: Grace Lin, Susanne Jaeggi Title: Comparing Latino Moms and Dads: Use of Mobile Screen Technologies for Managing Child Behaviors (Poster) Session: Parenting & Parent-Child Relationships Authors: Esmeralda Martin, Wendy Ochoa, Stephanie Reich Title: Comparing Profiles of Mother and Teacher Rated Prosocial Behaviors: The Role of Gender and Ethnicity (Poster) Session: Moral Development Authors: Su Jiang, Ting-Lan Ma, Sandi Simpkins, Deborah Vandell, Nicole Zarrett Title: Contextualizing Parent Socialization: Examining African-American Parents’ Strategies for Talent Development and Risk Minimization (Poster) Session: Education, Schooling Authors: Nestor Tulagan, Jacquelynne Eccles Title: Coping with Stress through Texting Session: Be-Tween Devices: Connecting Pre- and Early- Adolescents’ Mobile Device Use and Wellbeing Authors: Joanna C. Yau, Stephanie Reich Title: Demographic Differences in Parental Mediation Adolescents’ Mobile Device Use (Poster) Event: Technology, Media, & Child Development Authors: Hua Luo, Joanna C. Yau, Stephanie Reich Title: Developmental Trajectories of Youth Emotion Regulation and Self-Control: Insights from Mothers and Teachers (Poster) Session: Social, Emotional, Personality Authors: Kayla Puente, Nestor Tulagan, Sandi Simpkins, Deborah Vandell, Nicole Xarrett Title: Does Attending Center-based Care Prior to Kindergarten Improve Hispanic Children’s Academic Readiness? (Poster) Session: School Readiness/Childcare Authors: Melina Pinales, George Farkas Title: Does Response to Intervention Approach Improve Academic and Disability Outcomes? (Poster) Session: Social Policy Author: Zhiling Meng Shea Title: Early STEM Learning and Culturally Relevant Practices in STEM Education for Diverse Students and Families (Roundtable) Session: Engaging Diverse Students in Early STEM Learning Authors: Andres Bustamante Title: Examining Relations of Mexican-Descent Adolescents’ Science Achievement and Engagement on Mothers' Use of Navigational Capital (Poster) Session: Education, Schooling Authors: Stephanie Soto-Lara, Nestor Tulagan, Sandy Simpkins Title: Factors Influencing Students’ Preferences for Reading Digitally (Poster) Session: Education, Schooling Authors: Joanna Yau, Ying Xu, Yenda Prado, Penelope Collins, Mark Warschauer Title: Family Ties: Examining the Development of Children’s Math Self-Concept Using a Latent Change Score Approach (Poster) Session: Education, Schooling Authors: Lara Turci Faust, Jessica Gladstone, Gregory Hancock, Allan Wigfield, Jacquelynne Eccles Title: Foot in the Door: Expectancy-Value Profiles and Intention to Persist in Undergraduate Introductory Biology Course (Poster) Session: Education, Schooling Authors: Yannan Gao, Anna-Lena Dicke, Nayssan Safavian, Justin Shaffer, Jacquelynne Eccles Title: How do Preschool Program Sequences Influence Children’s Development? Evidence from Baltimore City Session: Preschool Selection, Sequences, and Persistence: Examining Programming and Child Development in the P-3 Continuum Authors: Jeffrey Grigg, Jade Jenkins, David McKinney, Faith Connolly Title: How is Word-Level and Sentence-Level Comprehension Monitoring Different in Children? (Poster) Session: Language, Communication Authors: Elham Zargar, Ashley Adams, Carol Connor Title: Infant Media Use, Alone and with Parents, and their Social-Emotional and Language Development Session: Influences on Very Young Children’s Screened Media Use and their Development Authors: Stephanie Reich, Wendy Ochoa, Guadalupe Diaz, Natasha Cabrera Title: Is the Duration or Timing of Special Education Related to Social-Emotional Maladjustment in Middle School? (Poster) Session: Education, Schooling Authors: Adrienne Woods, Paul Morgan, George Farkas Title: Learning from Misconceptions in Mathematics Instruction: Testing Teacher Intuitions (Poster) Session: Education, Schooling Authors: Emily A. Lyons, Lindsey Richland Title: Modality and the Development of Language and Literacy of Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Children (Poster) Session: Perceptual, Sensory, Motor Authors: Amy Lederberg, Shirin Antia, Lee Branum-Martin, Carol Connor, Brenda Schick, Susan Easterbrooks Title: Mothers’ and Fathers’ Executive Function: Influences on Parenting and Early Child Development Session: Cognition and Parenting in Low-Income Families Authors: Kelsey Garcia, Natasha Cabrera, Guadalupe Diaz, Stephanie Reich Title: Parental Monitoring in a Digital Age (Poster) Session: Technology, Media & Child Development Authors: Jennifer Cabrara, Stephanie Reich, Joanna C. Yau Title: Parkopolis: Adult and Child Talk in a Human-size STEM Board Game (Poster) Section: Parenting & Parent-Child Relationships Authors: Molly Schlesinger, Andres Bustamante, Kathy Hirsdh-Pasek, Roberta Michnick Golinkoff Title: Pattern-Centered Analysis of Latino Adolescents’ Math and Science Motivational Beliefs and the Relation to Science Engagement (Poster) Session: Education, Schooling Authors: Su Jiang, Sandy Simpkins Title: Profiles of Children’s Prosocial Behaviors and its Longitudinal Associations with Peer Aggression, Bullying, and Victimization (Poster) Session: Social Relationships Authors: Ting-Lan Ma, Su Jiang, Sandi Simpkins, Deborah Vandell, Nicole Zarrett Topic: Quality of Mother-Child and Father-Child Play and Children’s Social Development Session: Parental Playfulness: The Key for Children’s Positive Development? Authors : Kelsey Garcia, Natasha Cabrera, Mirjana Majdandzic, Stephanie Reich Title: The Role of Siblings and Familism Values in the Science Motivation of Mexican-Origin Adolescents Session: Socialization of Cognitive and Socioemotional Development Across Cultures Authors: Kayla Puente, Sandy Simpkins Title: Role Overload as a Predictor of Mother and Father Engagement During Infancy (Poster) Session: Parenting & Parent-Child Relationships Authors: Martha Yumiseva-Lackenbacher, Natasha Cabrera, Catherine Kuhns, Stephanie Reich Title: Social Skill Behaviors, Inhibitory Control and Elementary School Genre Writing (Poster) Session: Attention, Learning, Memory Authors: Elham Zargar, Taffeta Wood, Sarah Siegal, Carol Connor Title: Socioeconomically Diverse Latino Mothers and Fathers’ Attitudes, Beliefs, and Use of Mobile Technology with Children Session: Familial and Contextual Influences on Media Use for Families with Young Children Authors: Wendy Ochoa, Stephanie Reich, Audrey Helen Mosley Title: Standards, Curriculum, and Assessment in Early Childhood Education: Comparing States’ Preschool Curricula Mandates and QRIS Session: Holding Early Childhood Education Accountability Systems Accountable: Findings from Classroom, State, and National Level Analyses Authors: Annamarie Auger Whitaker, Jade Jenkins, Jennifer Duer Title: Student Problem Behaviors and Teacher Warmth, Discipline Predicting Student Classroom Instructional Experiences in First Grade (Poster) Session: Education, Schooling Authors: Leigh McLean, Nicole Sparpani, Carol Connor, Stephanie Day Title: Students’ Task Values, Ability Beliefs and STEM Aspirations in Early Science Education - A Longitudinal Study Session: The Integration of Self-Regulation and Other School-Related Competencies in Early and Long-Term Educational Success Authors: Katarilina Salmela-Aro, Janica Vinni-Laakso, Jiesl Guo, Jacquelynne Eccles Title: Texting Profiles and Fear of Missing Out in Early Adolescence Event: Individual Differences in Adolescents’ Use of Communication Technology Authors: Alumni Joanna C. Yau & Peter McPartlan Title: Theoretical and Methodological Implications of Associations Between Executive Function and Mathematics in Early Childhood Event: Unpacking Associations Between Children’s Early Executive Function and Mathematics Skills Authors: Tutrang Nguyen, Robert Duncan, Drew Bailey Title: Using Child-Level Observation Data to Understand What Works and for Whom Session: Classroom Quality in Early Childhood: Understanding the Importance of Individual Experiences Authors: Carol Connor, Ashley Adams Title: Using Co-speech Gesture to Support Children’s Inhibitory Control during Analogical Reasoning Session: Process-Based Approaches to Understanding Spatial Development: The Role of Attention, Language, and Gesture Authors: Katharine Guarino, Robert Morrison, Lindsey Richland, Elizabeth Wakefield Title: Using the Optimizing Learning Opportunities for Students (OLOS) Observation System to Track Growth in Self-Regulation Skills Session: Self-Regulation in School: Classroom and Child Influences Authors: Ashley Adams, Carol Connor Title: Using Visual Comparison to Facilitate Students’ Proportional Reasoning Learning (Poster Session: Education, Schooling Authors: Kelly Trezise, Bryan Mattien, Emily A. Lyons, Ellen Klostermann Wallace, Lindsey Richland Title: Which Mobile app Feedback and Leveling Designs Best Scaffold Preschool Learning? Session: Connecting Development to Mobile Preschool App Design and Use Authors: Melissa Callaghan, Stephanie Reich Comments are closed.