The UCI School of Education welcomed 29 doctoral students on September 23, the largest first-year doctoral student in the school’s history Ten of the incoming students are the first in their family to pursue a college degree. Eight identify as URM (underrepresented minority). Eight are international students –from Pakistan, China, South Korea, Uruguay, and Bulgaria - joining the 18 other international students already in our PhD program in Education. Four students are from out of state. The new doctoral students earned their bachelor's degree in a diversity of fields: American and British Literature, Art, Communications Studies, Community Health Education, East Asian Studies, Economics, Educational Science, Electrical Engineering, English, English Language and Literature, Environmental Science, Gender & Sexuality Studies, Human Biology, Human Development, Humanities, International Studies, Linguistics, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Music, Philosophy, Physics, Psychology, Public Health Science, Social Science, and Sociology. Universities attended for undergraduate work were as diverse as the majors chosen: American College of Sofia; Arizona State University; Beijing Jaotong University; Beijing Language and Culture University; Boston University; Brigham Young University; California State University, Fullerton; California State University, Long Beach; Gonzaga University; Humboldt State University; Rutgers; University of Georgia; Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay; University of Hawaii at Manoa; Soka University; South China Normal University; Sun Yat-sen University; Tufts University; UC Berkeley; UC Davis, UC Irvine; UCLA; UC San Diego; UC Santa Cruz; University of Michigan; Wake Forest University; and Wellesley College . Twenty-one of the students completed master's level work, earning degrees in Applied Linguistics, Communication Science and Disorders, Computer Science, Education, Educational Psychology, Educational Technology and Design, English Education, English Language Learners, Human Development and Family Studies, Human Development and Psychology, Interdisciplinary Education, Mathematics Education, Philosophy, Psychology, Public Administration, Public Policy, Sociology, Special Education, and Speech and Language Pathology. For their master's degree, the 21 students also attended a variety of universities: Beijing Foreign studies University; Beijing Normal University; Brigham Young University; California State University, Northridge; Cambridge; Columbia University; National Chengchi University; Indiana University; Notre Dame University; Pepperdine; San Diego State University; Santa Clara University; Stanford University; UC Irvine; UCLA; University of Pennsylvania; University of Redlands; University of Virginia; USC; and Vanderbilt University. The newly admitted doctoral students are bringing a diversity of language experience to enrich both their studies and classroom discussions, including American Sign Language, Bulgarian, Cantonese, French, German, Korean, Mandarin, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish. Prior to beginning their doctoral studies, the students contributed their time and talents to variety of endeavors. Their experiential learning includes research; teaching and tutoring (pre-school through college levels); policy analysis; administration (arts programs, education, learning centers, non-profits, government, and technology and video production facilities); consulting (DeLoitte, WestEd); and employment in industry (Interstate Oil Company) and business (FoxxComm, Reading Candy Online Platform, McGraw Hill). During their educational and professional journeys, the students created time for volunteer work with organizations such as AVID, Americorps, Turnaround Arts California, LA Opera Voices for Tolerance, Dreamers Club, Raven Project for At Risk Youth, Action Research Network of the Americas, Hillcrest Hospital in San Diego, Outward Bound, UN Development Program in Uruguay, Autism Soccer Stars, Think Together, LA SpaceMaker, Girls Who Code, Boys & Girls Clubs, Hogar Inner Chamber Orphanage in Ecuador, Loaves and Fishes, Navajo Summer Program, Louis Stoker Alliance for Minority Participation, YMCA, and others. In reflecting on the new cohort, Ph.D. Program Director Stephanie Reich commented, “We are thrilled with this large, diverse, and highly impressive cohort. Each student brings unique experiences, interests, aspirations and strengths that, I am sure, will greatly enrich our School, UCI, and the field of Education.” Photographs from September 23 Orientation Photographs from Ice Cream Social 2019 Entering Students
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