Working Memory & Plasticity Lab Undergraduate Researchers Awarded Funding for UROP Proposals2/11/2019
UCI’s Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP), launched in 1995, integrates undergraduate students into UCI's research culture by providing opportunities for faculty and students to work together on research and creative projects. Undergraduates can apply for UROP grant funding by submitting a proposal during Calls for Proposals in the Fall and Spring Quarters of each school year.
This year, UROP has received a record number of 628 proposals in response to UROP’s Fall 2018 Call. The submitted proposals involve 1275 unique (unduplicated) students who are mentored by 392 unique faculty members. Undergraduate research assistants in the Working Memory & Plasticity (WMP) Lab submitted 14 proposals, and all 14 have been awarded funding. Undergraduates will be conducting their work in collaboration with WMP graduate students and/or lab managers, and will be advised by Associate Professor Susanne Jaeggi. The 14 WMP groups, research titles, and group mentors are as follows:
All UROP students will be presenting their research results and findings at the UCI Undergraduate Research Symposium scheduled for Saturday, May 18, 2019. In addition, they are invited to submit a research paper for possible publication in The UCI Undergraduate Research Journal. Comments are closed.