Associate Professors Elizabeth van Es and Rossella Santagata have published in Travail et Apprentissage: Revue de Didactique Professionnelle: "Using Video to Work with Teachers on Noticing and Responding to Student Thinking."
Abstract The vision of mathematics and science instruction put forth by recent policy documents in the U.S. requires that teachers attend carefully to students’ ideas while teaching and use what they learn about student thinking to inform their instructional decisions. We propose that to enact this vision requires that teachers develop their noticing practices for teaching. In this paper, we examine the relationship between noticing and responding and consider how video can be used in different ways to prepare teachers to notice and respond to student thinking. We draw on our combined efforts using video with both pre-service and in-service teachers to illustrate how video is a productive tool to cultivate noticing and responding practices in the cycle of teaching—planning, enactment, and reflection. We conclude by addressing the implications of using video to support teachers in developing responsive teaching practices. van Es, E. A. & Santagata, R. (2017). Using video to work with teachers on noticing and responding to student thinking. Travail et Apprentissage: Revue de Didactique Professionnelle, 17, 188-208. Comments are closed.