On March 21, the School of Education's UCI Writing Project (UCIWP) presented the third of three workshops focusing on "Research-Based Strategies to Enhance Learning for All Students." The workshops are part of a series of professional development opportunities offered to educators under the umbrella of UCI's Teacher Academy, sponsored by SchoolsFirst Federal Credit Union. The March 21st workshop, Amplifying the Curriculum: Designing Quality Learning Opportunities for English Learners, was coordinated by Professor Carol Booth Olson, UCI Writing Project Director (below, left), and presented by Aida Walqui, Director of the Quality Teaching for English Learners Initiative at WestEd (below, right) and George C. Bunch, Associate Professor of Education, UC Santa Cruz (below, center). The workshop offered design principles for how classroom teachers and other educators can develop lessons and units that provide quality learning opportunities for English Learners, and all students, to engage in rigorous, meaningful, and well-supported tasks. Following presentation of exemplars from different subject areas, attending educators participated in small group brainstorming session to discuss possible curricular segments that applied the principles that had been presented to their own contexts. All workshop participants will be receiving a copy of the forthcoming book on which the workshop was structured: Amplifying the Curriculum: Designing Quality Learning Opportunities for English Learners (Teachers College Press) and workshop materials.
UCI's School of Education will be offering another set of workshops for educators during the 2019-2020 academic year. The schedule will be announced fall 2019. Comments are closed.