Event: 2018 School of Education Research Poster Celebration
Date: Friday, September 28, 2018 Time: 3:30-5:00 pm Location: School of Education Courtyard Presenter: Kayla Puente Poster Title: "The Role of Siblings and Familism Values in the Science Motivation of Mexican-Origin Adolescents" Poster Advisor: Sandra Simpkins Abstract Studies on family support have largely focused on parental support. Older siblings, however, may play a large role in the education of their younger sibling. Framed by the cultural microsystem model, this study aims to understand a) how Mexican-origin siblings support the high school science education of their younger sibling; b) how sibling support is related to the science motivational beliefs of ability self-concept and task value described in the expectancy-value theory; and c) how familism relates to levels of sibling support and whether it moderates the relation. Participants were 9th grade Mexican-origin adolescents from three public high schools and their older sibling. Overall, sibling support and their familism values were positively related to how adolescents viewed the usefulness of science and their abilities. Comments are closed.