American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting
Theme: Leveraging Educational Research in a “Post-Truth” Era: Multimodal Narratives to Democratize Evidence Toronto, Canada April 5-9, 2019 Title: Writing Proficiency and Student Placement in Community College Composition Courses (Paper) Session: Strengthening Placement, Developmental Education, and Learning for College Success Author: Jane S. Nazzal, Carol Booth Olson, Huy Chung Abstract: Writing is a critical skill that can impact students’ academic and economic trajectories, particularly for community college students, most of whom are considered underprepared for college level work (Bailey, 2016). The present study explores differences in the writing proficiency of students placed in various levels of community college composition courses, three pre-collegiate and one college-level course. Results of an assessment administered indicate significant differences in average scores between student writing in the lowest level course and other courses in the sequence. Additionally, the relationships between high school GPA and assessment score and course level were found to be weak. These findings can help to provide direction for effective policy that facilitates student progress through composition course sequences. Comments are closed.