Title: A Game on Life: Making Social and Emotional Learning Adaptive and Accessible
Presenter: Jenny Woo Poster Advisor: Carol Connor Research Specialization: Human Development in Context Abstract Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) encompasses cognitive regulation, emotional processes, and interpersonal skills. Starting in early childhood, SEL lays the foundational skills for school readiness that enable children to focus their attention, self-regulate emotions, and manage behaviors. To date, the majority of the SEL programs have been designed primarily for schools and require an extensive investment of money and expertise. This mixed method study examines how parents and educators use 52 Essential Conversations, a portable and self-guided SEL tool in home, school, and after-school contexts for children in PK-12. Understanding the “anytime and anywhere” characteristics of a widely used SEL tool could provide insights on how to make SEL interventions adaptable and accessible. Comments are closed.