MAT Leadership
Susan Toma-Berge
Director of Teacher Education Susan Toma-Berge establishes strategic direction and plans for teacher education, oversees the ongoing development and refinement of the core curriculum, and works with district and site administrators, mentor teachers, lecturers, and program coordinators. |
Evelyn Young
Coordinator, Multiple Subject Credential Program Evelyn Young supports preservice teaching candidates in the Multiple Subject and Bilingual Authorization Programs, trains and supports mentor teachers and supervisors, and builds strategic university-school partnerships, and reviews data to improve the Multiple Subject Program. |
Michael Hebert
Associate Professor; Faculty Director of Teacher Education; Director of the UCI Writing Project Expertise: Writing instruction and assessment, reading, learning disabilities, literacy for special education populations, and intervention development |
Stacy Yung
Coordinator, Single Subject Credential Program Stacy Yung teaches classes in the MAT program, monitors student teachers' progress in fieldwork, coursework, and professional responsibilities, observes students teachers in classrooms, and coordinates professional development events for School of Education partners. |
Susan Guilfoyle
Bilingual Authorization Program Coordinator Susan Guilfoyle supports the multiple subject bilingual candidates as they engage in fieldwork in dual immersion schools. |
For a full list of lecturers, faculty and staff involved in the MAT Program, please see our directory.
Learn More about the MAT Program